Our Key Solution Benefits

Gain more Defensibility increasing your ability to defend decisions, actions, inactions, or recommendations, to provide the justification when encouraging clients to take or to support your prospective actions.

If compliance mandated (such as : by the OCC ) : Gain more Demonstrability, increasing your ability to document and demonstrate proof of compliance in your actions and recommendations ( such as: enumerating all the possible options and remedies ruled in/out) , and the use of the most compliant processes, tools, and methods.

This is particularly applicable for satisfying the additional compliance requirements that apply only when managing trusts containing more than one policy. 

Even if not compliance mandated: Gain more Demonstrability, increasing your ability to document and demonstrate the exercise of reasonable care, skill, and prudence in your actions and recommendations ( such as: enumerating all the possible options and remedies ruled in/out), particularly regarding the additional steps inherent only when managing trusts containing more than one policy.

Gain more Manageability , increasing your capability to more effectively and reliably manage, remediate, and optimize multiple policies in a trust , to unify them in the trust as one at once, and to do so while expending less time and effort, and experiencing less hassle and delays.

Gain more Deliverability, enabling you to better deliver to grantor and beneficiary expectations: better management, remediation, and optimization results to realize the policies’ end goal estate functionality, as, and when needed.

Gaining more Defensibility, Demonstrability, Manageability, and Deliverability is that much more mission critical if the trust contains any Variable Universal Life or multiply impaired policies, or those that have been impacted by change of circumstance.

Time Tested. Proven Results.

We help you better:
fulfill the mandate to de-risk,
demonstrate proof of compliance,
make the management process more manageable and reliable,
deliver on expectations, to better reduce your risk and liability, and grow your
              business and revenue.

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